Saturday, November 28, 2009

How can you make gray hair look sexy?

My 12-year-old daugher has visible gray hair. ALot of it. She get's teased alot too. And she complains about it. People call her "old"

It's really annoying just be harrassed for one small flaw.

It doesn't look very nice, you've got to admit tho with her very short very curly hair.

Got any ideas how to make it better?

How can you make gray hair look sexy?

Are you opposed to getting it colored??

How can you make gray hair look sexy?

dye it, then everyone will think she looks cute and a lot of kids are getting their hair colored these days

How can you make gray hair look sexy?

Why are you trying to make your 12 year old look sexy? Go get her hair colored....

How can you make gray hair look sexy?

dye her hair.

How can you make gray hair look sexy?

shades of blond foils.

How can you make gray hair look sexy?

She is 12, so don't highlight it, or dye it a funky color, dye it to match her natural color. Nice -N- Easy is designed to cover grey hair and it is inexpensive, virtually fool proof. Make a mommy-daughter night of it. Rent some chic flicks, have popcorn etc, and dye her hair, wash it out in the kitchen sink and then go veg on the couch and watch the movie. By the time the movie is over her hair will be completely dry and you can both sigh a breathe of relief when you see the greys gone.

How can you make gray hair look sexy?

aside from coloring it, I can't think of any way to detract from the gray. If you find a good colorist, she should be able to assess and work with your daughter's hair type, curly or thick or short, whatever the case may be ..I'm sure they can do a good job. maybe there's a supplement she can take that would help? I'd go for a color close to her natural color, or maybe a light color won't show much when the gray comes back btwn colors. or, she could embrace it as her trademark:) i had a high school friend with some gray hair (also very curly and dark, she was lebanese) and that was just her thing and everybody respected it and was cool with it. might be easier than frequent trips to the colorist...i think it will get easier as she gets older..if you do color, get the kits to do touch ups at time and money!

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